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Light license logotype
May the Fate save hard workers and creators.

Why another license?

The purpose of new license is to attract attention of IT professionals to moral aspects of developing, distributing and using a software. In our days we, engineers, developers, programmers and so on, are bearing great moral responsobility towards the mankind for our work. We can to program anything from an one-page website to a launch system of a nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. Our work may bring happiness or bring suffering. We can create and save as well as break and destroy.

The science and modern technology made our planet very small. We can't think that if something bad happened in another end of the world it will not touch us. The Darkness has no limits neither geographical nor national. If you close your eyes to the evil, sooner or later, it will reach you.

Every single day the Light's force fights against the Darkness's force. We are involved in that battle in one way or another. Our actions may lead people to the Light or plunge the whole world into the Darkness.

We have to save this beautiful world for us and our children. Fight for the Light, guys.


Latest version of the license agreement: hden_light_license_v1.txt.

Old versions are located at the file archive.

The text of latest version of the license agreement.

<software> copyright

<copyright notice>


Heroes' Den - Light license agreement v1 (08.07.2024).

  1. 1.This software and associated documentation (the "Software") can be used by any individual or organization including followers of the Light, followers of the Darkness and those who did not choose a side.
  2. 2.The author of the Software (the "Author") stands for the position that
    1. 2.1. the world around us must be carefully treated, and
    2. 2.2. all individuals and organizations have the following rights:
      • to be on Light's side, Darkness's side or stay neutral;
      • to choose a life way and life goals;
      • to get public information;
      • to know the truth;
      • to respect their honor and dignity;
      • to privacy;
      • to freedom of innoxious speech;
      • to adequate self-defense;
      • to sensible justice; and
      • to inviolability of own property.
  3. 3.The Author believes that love, kindness, diligence, patience, openness and mutual assistance are saving the world.
  4. 4.It is not permitted to use the Software for archieving the following goals:
    • to get individuals or organizations from Light's side or neutrality on side of the Darkness;
    • to spread the Darkness;
    • to reinforce the Darkness;
    • to cause irrational damage to surrounding natural or artificial world;
    • to violate rights of individuals or organizations listed in point 2.2 of this agreement (the "Agreement"); and
    • to harm innocent, weak or defenseless people.
  5. 5.The Software can be copied, modified, merged, splitted, published, selled and distributed. The Agreement covers all copies, modified versions and extracted parts of the Software and must be distributed with them. The user of a copy, a modified version or a program containing extracted part of the Software (the "User") must be acquainted with the original copyright and Agreement for its acceptance or rejection.
  6. 6.The Author's name shall not be used in advertising or promotions.
  7. 7.If the User violates terms of the Agreement, he may be used or punished by the Fate.
  8. 8.The Software comes without any warranty and may contain errors leading to data loss or malfunction. The Author doesn't have to provide technical support to the User and he doesn't bear responsibility for the function and the quality of the Software. The User understands that the Software may harm him and uses it at his own risk.