What is this webpage?
Here you can download unofficial builds of slightly modified FreeGLUT. The goal of the project is to compile FreeGLUT library for old hardware and legacy operating systems such as Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The main difference in modified version is that it contains batch script to compile the library via Borland C++ Compiler v5.5.1.
Why I need FreeGLUT?
FreeGLUT is a great tool for people who want to develop a graphical application such as 2D or 3D videogame, image viewer or maybe some computer-aided design program. This library hides system specific routines needed to create application's windows. So a developer doesn't need to know about inner workings of an operating system and he can make a program much easier. Also FreeGLUT simplifies interaction with input devices: mouses, keyboards, joysticks and so on.
FreeGLUT is written in C and uses OpenGL API so working with it you could get valuable knowledge about these programming language and graphical interface.
There are screenshots of some demonstation applications included in FreeGLUT:
Online version of the unofficial FreeGLUT's documentation is placed here.
Original FreeGLUT is released under X-Consortium license. New and heavily modified parts of FreeGLUT, documentation and built binaries are covered by the terms of Light license agreement v1.
Latest version of the library:
- fg360hden1_libs_x86_bcc.7z - 32-bit libraries compiled with Borland C++ Compiler v5.5.1.
- fg360hden1_demo_x86_bcc.7z - 32-bit demonstation applications compiled with Borland C++ Compiler v5.5.1.
- fg360hden1_src.7z - source code.
Old versions, compressed documentation and changelog are located at the file archive.